Story Highlights
- ICC T20 World Championship 2016
ICC T20 Championship Schedule 2016
India hosts ICC T20 Championship tournament for the year 2016 starting from March 08, 2016
Tournament Details
- Group Stage
- Super 10 Stage
- Semi Final
- Final
Group Stage
- 8 Teams are divided into two groups viz Group A and Group B.
- Each group contains 4 teams
- Group A consists of Bangladesh, Ireland, Netherlands and Oman
- Group B consists of Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Scotland and Zimbabwe
- Group A matches will be played from 09.03.2016 to 13.03.2016
- Each team will play against other in round-robin basis
- Top Team from Group A will qualify for Super 10 Stage and get place in Group 2
- Group B matches will be played from 08.03.2016 to 12.03.2016
- Each team will play against other in round-robin basis
- Top Team from Group B will qualify for Super 10 Stage and get place in Group 1
Super 10 Stage
- 10 Teams are divided into two groups viz., Group 1 and Group 2
- Each group contains 5 teams
- Group 1 consists of England, South Africa, Sri Lanka, TBD (B1-Topper of Group B) and West Indies
- Group 2 consists of Australia, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and TBD (A1-Topper of Group A)
- Group 1 matches will be played from 16.03.2016 to 28.03.2016
- Each team will play against other in round-robin basis
- Top 2 Teams will qualify for Semi Final
- Group 2 matches will be played from 15.03.2016 to 27.03.2016
- Each team will play against other in round-robin basis
- Top 2 Teams will qualify for Semi Final
Knock Out
- Semi Finals and Final will be played on Knock Out Basis
- Top 2 teams from each group of Super 10 Stage will play in Semi Finals
- Final will be played between the winners’ of the Semi Finals
UPDATE: Zimbabwe, Afghanistan and Bangladesh won their first matches