Story Highlights
- Eastman Rolling Trophy
DCAT College League 2018-19
District Cricket Association of Tirupur welcomes the colleges in the district of Tirupur for participating in DCAT College League for Eastman Rolling Trophy for the year 2018-19.
EASTMAN Rolling Trophy
DCAT issues application from 03.01.2019. Interested Colleges are requested to contact
- Mr. K. Chellamuthu, Hon. Jt. Secretary in his mobile: 8940038018 and/or
- Mr. N. Velmurugan, Manager in his mobile: 9344207615
for more details.
Entry Opens from: 03.01.2019
Last Date for giving Entry: On or before 21.01.2019
Tournament Commences from: First Week of February 2019
DCAT welcomes all the Colleges in the district of Tirupur to participate and make the tournament a Grand Success!