Constructive India – …………
……………Communist China AKA PR China
Disclaimer: This post will definitely hurt the feelings of People who have interests in Religion, Language, Land and Ideology. This post is an genuine attempt to register my insights about the fact, why Constructive INDIA is the need of the time and which are all the obstacles – hurdles, in achieving this feat. I strongly recommend, those persons, to avoid reading this post. I feel sorry and regret to inform that, it will definitely hurt, if you are biased ATA. However, I assure to allot space, for an healthy exhibition of facts against this post, particularly or for defending your stand against this post. Submit your counter stand here!
Communist China could never be placed IN LINE with CONSTRUCTIVE INDIA ever other than in PAPER!
Communist China AKA People’s Republic of China
A country lead by Communist Ideology, making their People fools, blind and 奴隸 (Slaves) in the name of “CHINA” and continuously exploiting the wealth of their people
Constructive India
What is Constructive India?
Is it possible to build an optimistic India?
Do you really know the meaning for the words “Constructive” and “Optimistic”?
Flawless and Strong is to be termed as Constructive!
Identifying and Adhering the BEST always is to be termed as Optimistic
Being an ONE NATION, we are strong. But, Answer me!, Do you feel the same? You are divided by RELIGION – globally, STATES – geographically, RACE and LANGUAGE – politically and IDEOLOGIES – mentally.
I am questioning (your – our) integrity! Can You come over this hurdle for ever? Don’t Lie to me! that, when a situation arises against our NATION, we will show up our strength! Those situations are happening, only because of these hurdles.
Get me right! In the name of Industrialization, Competition and Earning Reputation/Money/Power, we are competing with each other. In the globalized market, We – INDIANS have talent, are Stronger and Wiser people than anyone in this UNIVERSE.
But, Are you ready to take up this Challenge?
Within the nation, You are divided as two groups: North Indian & South Indian.
Do you realize it actually?
North Indians think themselves as Superiors and High in everything (Birth, Knowledge, Lifestyle, Culture, Heritage and even close to God since “Himalayas” is very closer to them) and hence the rest of India, i.e., South Indians are vice versa to their quality and need to be lifted up to their standards with kind heart, in the tone, helping the poor.
South Indians think themselves as Intelligent, More Patriotic, Honest, Rich & Humble in terms of Birth, Knowledge, Lifestyle, Culture and Ability to perform high and in their view, North Indians are mostly dishonest, illiterate and fools, need to be educated.
Adding to the above, each and every state in the Country, both North India and South India fought for their own will and wish in the name of Languages.
- When it comes to North vs South, it is a battle – dispute – disharmony between Hindi and Regional Languages of South India.
- It is ridiculous to witness the dispute between Hindi and Regional Languages of North India.
- It even worsen the situation when it comes between North India and North East India.
Are you ready to overcome these differences?
You will stay safe with a diplomatic answer – distancing from the issue (Social Distancing… Ha! Ha!) our Country’s specialty is that it is a Country of Unity in Diversity.
Yeah! We too agree with that! Then, why do you let Politicians out to use this space to divide and rule like British Colonial Government?
I wish to register a FACT about this here, right now! This Country – INDIA is a land of wisdom. It is nothing but searching the Inner Light (Insight) i.e., the reason – cause of birth, life and MUKTI. You may follow/worship anybody as your GOD. But, you have to know that, this Land is full of wisdom and love only. The people living here, between the River Sind and Great Indian Ocean are HINDUS, irrespective of their worship and dedication to Abrahamic Religions like Christianity and Islam.
Can you accept this truth? Do you have the guts to agree with this truth?
I do not want to complain or criticize the rituals and rites of Abrahamic Religions. But, remember that those are not our path of living style with respect to Hindustan. They follow and insist the lifestyle of Arabic Nature with respect to the environmental condition of those states. (Arabic).
Agreed! Inspired by the ideology of the Abrahamic Religions or Impulsed by the state of Wealth and / or Beauty or Rattled by Arms and due to the fact that every body has their Right of Choice and Right to Chose. If so, can you come over those rites and rituals?
We respect and register the fact that there are lakhs of Warriors, who are following Abrahamic Religions, serving the NATION in Defence, Administration and Education. On the contrary, the majority of People – MASS following the Abrahamic Religions disrespecting the interests of the Nations in the name of their own Rites and Rituals.
Every Indian not only Indian, Every Human being have the right to choose and adopt the system, path and ideology of their own. But when we are bound to common interest, those freedom of choice and expression will also be limited to the common interest concerned.
As far as India is concerned, People who believes in Hinduism and its ideologies will never go against the Country by birth and even while sleeping or during death. Most of the People following Abrahamic Religions may intend to be patriotic but at some stage are tied up in the name of religions. (Will explain the Tied up knots in the later columns of this post).
You will over come this hurdle in the name of Religion! But what about the next column?
The local division of landscape in to States were aimed at serving the People for the good cause and healthy development as ONE NATION. You are now intolerant towards your neighbouring states for share of Natural Resources like Water, Energy (Share of Energy generated), Economic Structure (Employment and Business Trading) and Exchange of Skills (Education, Training and Invention) as we normally show towards our neighbours in home.
Can You over come this hurdle?
Even if you try and make up your will, the major problem will be drawn in the name of Language!
RACE and Language?
The worst result of dividing the People in to States had come from the influential instinct of Race and Language. The civilization in humanity is the child of Language, which served to communicate with each other and to draw lines of life-cycle.
Believe it or not! Without language, Human may ended their generation in a short span of time. We must thank the Almighty – GOD for giving the 6th sense, a differential factor in the Universe. The People who developed the Language earlier were the Race who have given this state of uniqueness and ability.
So, denying your origin, ancestors and terming as someone new to our own culture is betrayal to none other than yourself. See the inter-relation between Race, Language and Religion. Without any one of the three, the other two are null. It became biggest of all complications to satisfy one’s own moral and preserving the public interest in the name of ‘ONE NATION’. But you see, if only, We over come this Three Core Theory (TCT), we will be able to think of “Constructive India”.
Can You? Hold on! The hurdles do not end here!
It is one of the big dangers ever, this world is witnessing since civilization. It has become a fashion always to put forth the alternatives in the name of invention. The ideologies are the resultant child of an individual on a given situation, state of mind and maturity and the ability to perform and the disability to offend.
Ancient India was ruled by Kings before the Foreign Traders conquered the right of freedom by a simple ideology, “Divide and Rule”. Surprisingly, the Administrators of Naya Bharat follow the same strategy – ideology to exploit our own people. It is the most dangerous threat for the peaceful lifestyle of Humans. Ideology may define People but never can derive the Peace and Harmony.
New India, after getting Independence from the Colonial Ghost, none other than United Kingdom, an ill-minded, crooked, greedy people living landmark in this world, India decided to adopt the “Democratic Path” to govern the nation.
Corruption started from then itself with “Indian National Congress” (INC), a national movement group initiated, groomed by several patriots from all over the parts of the nation, participating in the General Body Elections, even after Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi AKA Mahathma Gandhi, Father of the Nation strongly objected its continuation and participation in Politics.
It is the starting of Corruption since it was observed as against the Nation, if any one expresses against any acts, actions and proposals of INC. It is the utmost danger – threat for Democratic Ideology that expression of views against a party will be labelled as anti national. The only other ideology that sailed silently was Communistic Ideology.
Communistic Ideology is also not of Indian Origin and their symbolic representation itself warn the People of their cruelty. The symbolic representation of Hammer and Scythe failed to represent the symbol of workers but often deceived as though. The other danger for Democratic Ideology is that not expressing, representing the truth in the view of one’s own interest.
What is the need for Communistic Ideology in a democratic country? Here, the Corruptors of the Nation joined with the hands of Cheaters by one’s own will and destroyed the nation.
Belonging to Hinduism / In the name of non believers of GOD there are certain group of bushes, ruining the national garden of harmony which is also to be condemned and distanced from being Hindustanis
Constructive India
The current crisis is the resultant of the governments run by Indian National Congress to a larger extend and for other parties to a minor extend. The current leaders (so called) of the Corruptors’ Party are mere LIERS attempting to hide their mistakes, that they have had committed for more than 60 years.
How would you able to build Constructive India?
In Simple terms, replace all “You” in this post with “We” and it is possible to achieve this feat!
Let us see in detail in the next post
…To be continued