Tournament: The Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA) – Tiruchi District Cricket Association (TDCA) Schoo ...
Vignesh, Sriram, Thamarai Selvan and Nithyesh starred
Vignesh, Sriram, Thamarai Selvan and Nithyesh starred
XI Diamonds and Srinivasa Nagar won
XI Diamonds and Srinivasa Nagar won
Bradman beat Young Star CC
Bradman beat Young Star CC
Sampath and Vinoth starred
Sampath and Vinoth starred
Prakash starred for Gio Sports
Prakash starred for Gio Sports
Saravanan and Kodeeshwaran starred
Saravanan and Kodeeshwaran starred
Dinesh Kumar and Thirumoorthy starred
Dinesh Kumar and Thirumoorthy starred
Vasanth Kumar starred with the bat and ball
Vasanth Kumar starred with the bat and ball
Campion are JSK T20 Champions
Campion are JSK T20 Champions
Junior Super Kings – 06.10.2016
Junior Super Kings – 06.10.2016